Tips For Staying Focused Working From Home
Are you finding it a challenge to stay focused working from home? Working from home is not for everyone – we’ve all heard that said before – but for many of us kiwis, working from home is a must right now. It can be challenging, especially when you have to adapt in the midst of all the other uncertainties COVID-19 has brought about. Here are some strategies that can help you stay focused when working remotely.
Set up a temporary home office. Pick a space, if you can, that is away from distractions and has a door that you can close. Try to organise this space so that you feel more as if you’re going into the office. Clear those personal bills and photo albums waiting for assembly from your desk. Creating a distinct space can help with the mental association that you are going to work.
Keeping a similar schedule can help, too. If you go to the office at a certain time every day, that’s when you should show up at your home workstation. If you took breaks at consistent times when on-site, do the same at home. This helps tell your brain it’s business as usual, even when you’re working in the laundry room on a folding card table!
If you used to write emails first thing, do that still. If your team had a weekly conference call Wednesdays at 11, try to keep that, too. You can use voice or video conferencing to stay in touch while remaining at a safe distance.
This is going to mean different things for people. Working from home with children is tough. Giving them a dedicated space for learning and creative play can help to keep them motivated and busy.
The news and social media are other traps for those working from home. No one is watching over your shoulder, and it’s easy to think, “I’ll just check …” That’s how you lose 30 minutes of productivity watching pandas wrestle on a zoo-cam. Still struggling? You could consider setting up one operating system account for work and another for personal use creating different browser profiles.
Setting deadlines can help you stay motivated. The longer you have to get something done, the slower you’ll work – it’s inevitable. So, maintain some pressure by setting tight, but realistic targets. Share your deadlines with other colleagues using an online task management tool. This can help with accountability.
This is a stressful time, and you’re being asked to deal with many changes. So, you need to be patient. Working in sprints could help your motivation and attention span. You might set a timer and focus completely on work until the bell chimes. One theory is that the most productive people take a 17-minute break every 52 minutes, but you’ll want to see what works for you.
Another approach is to say you’ll do 30 minutes of good work on that thing you’re avoiding. Worst case: you get only 30 minutes of it done. At least you’re further ahead. But you might find it only takes 30 minutes to complete or that you’re so close to finishing that you keep going and get the job done.
Make sure you have the right tools to do your job. Working from home is challenging enough, so make it easier with reliable internet and Wi-Fi connections, and access to the required files.
Need help with working from home? We can’t actually be there to cheer you on and keep you motivated, but we can get you set up with the most efficient home office solutions. Send us an email or give us a call today. You can find our contact details here.
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